I Took the Oath

I am a Klean Athlete.
I am not an elite athlete. I am not the fastest athlete. I am an Ironman.

I decided to become a runner over 15 years ago and it actually took me a year to purchase my first real pair or sneakers back then. I was signed up for the Quebec City 10k and it was going to be EPIC. Little did I know that years later I was going to compete in the ‘Super Bowl’ of endurance events by finally pressing the Register Now button. The Ironman race in Arizona was my “Turning 40-44” gift to myself. Funny how my age has become an age-group over the years now.

I embraced a challenging journey; the highs and lows of training mixed with life, moving and an injury in the Mid-Atlantic region where road/weather conditions are less than ideal, and a forever Winter. It was going to be tough. As the saying goes: If it were easy…

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Electrolyte Balance

Electrolyte Balance: An Overlooked Key to Sustained Athletic Endurance and Performance


By Stephen Clouthier, DC

While there is ongoing debate about how much electrolyte support athletes need there is NO DEBATE that electrolyte balance is a key factor in sustaining athletic performance and maintaining proper fluid levels within the body.  I find most athletes I work with don’t really want to worry about electrolytes.  They (electrolytes) are like the pesky little details of training and exercise that most of us would like to ignore.  The problem is that electrolytes are the cement that holds the bricks together in the training wall.  If this electrolyte mortar is not present the wall quickly breaks down or becomes unstable.

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Lava Magazine Supplement Review

By Lava Magazine Editor Susan Legacki

“The Klean Athlete line of nutritional supplements is geared toward athletes’ unique nutritional needs, as well as ensuring that nothing they put inside them contains a banned substance. There have been a few high-profile cases in the triathlon world of a pro athlete consuming a product and then testing positive because it had something in it not listed on the label that was in fact a WADA-banned substance. In order to meet the tough standards of the NSF Certified for Sport label, which is recognized by the NFL, MLB, NHL and PGA among other major sports organizations, Klean Athlete products undergo meticulous testing to ensure each ingredient is up to snuff.

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Supporting the Immune System

Probiotics: The Key to Supporting the Immune System in Athletes

By Dr. Stephen Clouthier, DC

Following Ironman Texas 2012, my friends and I, for a period of weeks, recapped “the good, the bad and the ugly” of the race experience.  There were many who were describing the various trips to the “porta potties” along the run course.  Many blamed the warm lake water and its’ prolific bacterial flora for their frequent stops.  One friend even described visiting all of the potties at least once on the run course.  As I listened to the stories, I felt sheepish, as I had not needed to make a “visit” even once for gastrointestinal distress during the race.

I started to ask this question in my head, “If we all swam in the same water, why didn’t we all have GI distress on the run?”  I am not a scientist but my thought immediately turned to what the condition of my “GI distressed” friends’ gut flora and immune system were prior to the race.

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Core Nutrition

The Solid Athletic Performance is Built on the Foundation of Core Nutrition

By Dr. Stephen Clouthier, D.C.

The foundation of exceptional athletic performance is not what you drink or eat just prior to, during or after your workout or competition. Yes you heard me right! You are probably thinking that I have already lost my nutritional marbles. I can only make this statement after working with numerous elite professional, amateur, college, high school and competitive age group athletes in my practice for the past 15 years. The statement can be made because I have experienced the demand of my nutritional supplementation needs, training for three full Ironman, two half ironman, numerous shorter triathlons, as well as, three open marathons and 4 half marathons over the past two and a half years.

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Getting to Know Balázs Csőke

Featuring Balazs Csoke, Klean Team USA Ambassador – Sponsored Athlete

Today’s post is a little different then what you may be used to from Klean Athlete. We had the chance to talk with professional triathlete, Balázs Csőke on his 2013 race season and the up-coming IM New Zealand. Check out what he has to say about training, this weekend’s race and his go-to meals!


Q: How are you feeling about your training and fitness at the start of your race season?

A: I feel great, thank you. I was able to train a nice 8 weeks in Texas without any traveling or interruption.  I did a Half Ironman 4 weeks ago in Panama, where I had some mechanical issues on the bike, but I saw and ran very well, so it showed my fitness is right at the point where I want it.  I had to travel back to Europe a bit after that due to some via issues but I did all the training I planned before even. It was not always easy while I was dealing with jet lag.

The travel was long but smooth to New Zealand. Now the last couple of days are just about relaxing.  The work’s done, now its showtime!

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New Beginnings

If you live in Texas, the season has kicked off in earnest with some incredibly warm weather, bright sun and a plethora of new athletes doing their first triathlons or Ironman races.

I have always loved this time of year because everyone comes out with a clean slate. Along with that clean slate are new goals where we reach for new levels.  Everyone might be a bit heavier on the bike (that would be me), but you still go out on Saturday with past glory on the mind and a visualization of new conquest.

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The Off-Season

I was reminded today from my coach about the importance of a good off-season.  It is not the physical rest that matters but more the mental rest that provides the most return.  So what exactly is mental rest?

To me, the ability to use sports as a diversion from the mental strains of the day, plays a big factor in a healthy lifestyle routine.  However, for the Type A athlete looking to log in workout after workout, this is not always the case. Yes, there is plenty of time during your training where you need to find the zone and be focused.  You recognize that moment when you clock off your interval and relish in the sound of your breathing, your pace and the tingle in your legs.

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Growing Together Charity 5K

Thank you to Nicole Flaherty, Graphics Supervisor and Guest Blogger. Nicole was the Chair of the Growing Together 5K Fun Run. This event raised funds for the Cancer Caring Center of Pittsburgh and the SOS Villages Organization. This event was organized by the employees of Atrium Pittsburgh, Douglas Laboratories and Alcrea-Health. These Pittsburgh based companies are dedicated to giving back to the community through volunteerism and fundraising.

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Who We Are

If you read our first post (and we sincerely hope you did), you had a brief introduction to our SVP of Sales & Marketing and the champion of Klean Athlete, Tim Monk. We’d like to share some more information with you about Douglas Laboratories and our parent company Atrium Innovations (excuse us while we put our Douglas hat on).

For over 50 years, Douglas Laboratories has manufactured and distributed superior-quality, science based dietary supplements and have grown to become one of the world’s premier nutritional supplement providers. We began by and continue to, partner exclusively with healthcare professionals rather than over-the-counter transactions with consumer. Our focus has been on providing products to consumers under the care and supervision of a healthcare professional.

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